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Plattsburgh Housing Authority

Many police departments and police officers define their role primarily in terms of crime control. The very term law enforcement agency is certainly an indication of this focus. But policing is much more than law enforcement. Officers in community-based police departments understand that "crook-catching" is only one part of their job, which involves a myriad of other issues and problems they deal with each day. Officers freely accept a significant role in issues that might be derisively referred to as "social work" in traditional police departments.

The Plattsburgh Housing Officer’s role is to help create an environment where residents, especially children can live, learn, and grow up to be productive and responsible citizens. Unfortunately, in some cases, the only experience that people have with police is a negative one, and our housing officer is working to create a more positive, approachable atmosphere to develop a relationship with members of the housing population.

The housing officer works with the Housing Authority by enforcing local and state laws as well as housing Authority policies when necessary. He also participates in community programs within the Housing Authority to establish and promote relationships with the tenants. Another priority of the Plattsburgh Housing Officer is the Ted K Center, which provides educational, social, and recreational services to youth and families residing in the Plattsburgh Housing Authority developments.

The Plattsburgh Housing Authority was established on April 9, 1951, under Chapter 701 of the Law of New York State. PHA's mission is to ensure safe, adequate, decent and affordable housing, and to promote opportunities for residents' self-sufficiency and economic independence.


Executive Director:

  Mark Hamilton