RFP-Safe Routes To School professional design services- reissued

Bid Recipient

The City of Plattsburgh invites proposals from qualified individuals, professional service firms and/or consultant teams to undertake design and construction inspection services in support of the implementation of the City of Plattsburgh Bike Friendly Plan. This project will utilize New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Climate Smart Communities (CSC) funding and City of Plattsburgh funding to enhance pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Oak street, near the Oak Street Elementary School (the Project Area). The project’s objective is to create safer routes for students to commute to school and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions via reduced reliance on automobile transportation within the City of Plattsburgh. The project includes designing and constructing 5’ wide sidewalks, painted crosswalks, signage, new signal equipment, and add bike lanes where possible. 

Publication Date/Time
Closing Date/Time
Contact Person
Elisha Bartlett, Sr. Planner
City of Plattsburgh 41 City Hall Place
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Phone: (518) 563-7642
Email: Elisha Bartlett, BartlettE@cityofplattsburgh-ny.gov
Pre-bid Meeting
Business Hours