How to Make Payments


  • Click here to open or payment portal 
  • You will need your account number and customer number which are on your bill.
  • You can pay by electronic check or debit/credit card or debit directly from your bank account.
  • Follow the directions on the payment page.


Drop Box

  • You can drop payment off in the drop box with your bill or name and account number on a piece of paper.
  • The Drop box is located on the City Hall side of Trinity Park Square  next to the two blue Post Office Mailboxes. The Drop box is stainless steel in color and labeled “Finance”.


Paying in person

  • Please go to Finance Department, City Hall (ground floor near Cornelia Street side), 41 City Hall Place, Plattsburgh.



  • You can send your payment by mail with the invoice using the envelope included with your bill.