Local Law P-1 2025 A local law amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 47, entitled "Election Districts", to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law P-5 (which became LL3-2024) A local law amending Charter Section C2-11 to require two-thirds majority for Charter waivers under this section.
A local law adding Chapter 177 "Harbor Management" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
A local law amending Chapter 360 "Zoning" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh by adding "Article X: Waterfront Overlay Consistency Review and Development Guidelines: to Chapter 360 "Zoning" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
A local law adding Chapter 177 "Harbor Management" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
- LL P-2 of 2024 Did not pass May 2, 2024
Local Law P-1 A local law amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 47, entitled “Election Districts”, to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
- LL P-1 of 2024 There was a Public hearing for this proposed law Feb. 1, 2024 but it was not moved to the floor for vote.
Local Law P-7 A local law adding Section 95-5 "Councilor Compensation" to Chapter 95 "Officers and Employees" "Article I-Finances" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
- LL P-7 of 2023 There was a public hearing for this proposed law Dec. 21, 2023 but it was not moved to the floor for vote.
Local Law 6 of 2023 A local law adding Section 144-20 "Vacant Building Registry" to Chapter 11 "Building Code Administration and Enforcement" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5 of 2023 A local law adding Section 144-19 "Short Term Rental Registry" to Chapter 144 "Building Code Administration and Enforcement" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 4-2023 A local law amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 176 "Flood Damage Prevention" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh as authorized by the New York State Constitution, Article IX, Section 2, and Environmental Conservation Law, Article 36.
Local Law 3-2023 A local law amending Section 340-10 "Snow Emergencies" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-2023 Establishing an Associated Schedule of Rates for Sewer Connections in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-2023 A local law amending in its entirety City Code Section 348-24 and setting water service rates and enacting regulations for levy and collection of water charges.
Local Law 6-2022 A local law amending Chapter 360, Article II, Section 360-5 entitled "Terms Defined" by amending the definition of "Livestock" to exclude laying hens and adding Chapter 360, Article VIII Section 360-46 to regulate the keeping of hens per the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5-2022 A local law amending Section 340-10 "Snow Emergencies" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 4-2022 A local law adding Chapter 169 "Fire Insurance Proceeds" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 3-2022 2022 A local law adding Article III "Open Meetings Video-Conference" to Chapter 14 "Boards, Commissions and Committees" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-2022 A local law amending, re-naming and restating Chapter 14 "Boards, Commissions and Committees"., Article I, Planning Commission Section 14-4 "Election of Chairman; employment of personnel; powers and duties' of the city of of the City of Plattsburgh to provide By-Laws for the City of Plattsburgh Planning Board.
Local Law 1-2022 A local law adding Article II entitled "Best Value Competitive Bidding and Procurement" to Chapter 64 "Finances" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5-2021 A local law officially annexing a certain parcel of property located on Sharron Avenue in the town of Plattsburgh and identified on the 2021 tax map no. 233.7-1-14.
Local Law 4- 2021 A local law officially annexing a certain parcel of property located on Reeves Lane in the town of Plattsburgh and identified on the 2021 tax map no. 220.-4-32 and 220.-4-31.2.
Local Law P-5 of 2021 A local law amending Chapter 230, Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh, regarding regulating Open Fires and Small Recreational Fires. (DEFEATED)
Local Law P-5 of 2021 .pdf
Local Law P-4 of 2021 A local law amending Chapter 360 "Zoning" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh by amending and restating Section 360-26(A) "Off-street parking requirements" in its entirety, as well as amending any other Code references thereto. (DEFEATED)
Local Law 3-2021 A local law adding Sub-Section I. Areas where parking permits required to Chapter 340-7 "Parking Restrictions in certain places to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-2021 A local law adding Part 4 "Public Safety Management Compensation" inclusive of Article XXX entitled "Police and Fire Management Compensation" to Chapter 52 "Emergency Services" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-2021 A local law re-naming, amending and re-stating Chapter 254 "Peddling and Soliciting" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh. Once re-named, Chapter 254 will be entitled "Food Trucks"
Local Law 5-2020 A local law amending Chapter 300 "Subdivision of Land" and Chapter 360 "Zoning" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh to provide exemptions for City Projects.
Local Law 4-2020 A local law amending and replacing in its entirety Chapter 116 "Alarm Systems" as set forth in the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 3-2020 An local law amending by renaming, amending and replacing in its entirety Section 144-18 "Rental Permits" to Chapter 144 "Building Code Administration and Enforcement" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-2020. A Local Law amending in its entirety City Code Section 348-24 and setting service rates and enacting regulations for Levy and Collection of water charges.
Local Law 1-2020. A Local Law adding Article VII, entitled "Levy and Collection of Taxes; Board of Assessment Review", per Section 306-36 through Section 306-51 to Chapter 306 "Taxation" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 7-2019 Establishing an Associated Schedule of Rates for Sewer Connections in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 6-2019 A local law adding Section 144-18 "Rental Permits" to Chapter 144 "Building Code Administration and Enforcement" to the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5-2019 A local law amending, renaming and restating Section 128-6, amending and restating 128-7 and amending and restating 128-10 of the City f Code of the City of Plattsburgh. (Dogs and Cats at Large; Restraint and Containment of Dogs and Cats; Identification of Cats; Barking, Calling and Spraying).
Local Law 4-2019 A local law to provide for the codification of the local laws, ordinances and certain resolutions of the City of Plattsburgh into a Municipal Code to be designated the "Code of the City of Plattsburgh".
Local Law 3-2019 A local law amending, re-naming and re-stating Chapter 206 "Noise" of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-2019 A local law renaming and amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 241, Section 5 of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-2019 A local law authorizing the Common Council to adopt a 2019 tax levy in excess of the limit established by NYS General Municipal Law Section 3-c.
Local Law 6-2018 A local law providing Zoning Regulations for Commercial Cryptocurrency Mining Operations in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5-2018 A local law amending Zoning Regulations for Planned Unit Developments in the Central Business District in the City of Plattsburgh.
- LL 5-2018
- Local Law 5 - Full Env Assmnt PUD-Pt 3
- Local Law 5 - Full Env Assmnt PUD-Pt 2
- Local Law 5 - 239M Referral Form - PUD
P-5 of 2018 A local law amending, renaming and restating in its entirety Chapter 161, Article III, Sections 14-15 of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh. (Defeated)
Local Law 4-2018 A local law amending parking enforcement.
Local Law 3-2018 A local law adding Section 270-28-J under Chapter 270, Article V, Supplementary Regulations. (Moratorium on Commercial Cryptocurrency Mining Operations.
Local Law 2-2018 A local law amending Chapter 86, Sections 2 and 3. Planning Board Members.
Local Law 1-2018 A local law amending Chapter 233 "Streets and Sidewalks", Article V "Removal of Snow and Ice on Public Sidewalks", Sections 233.30 through 233.37.
Local Law 8-2017 A local law adding Section 270-59 to Article IX entitled "Professional Review Fees" to Chapter 270 "Zoning".
Local Law 7-2017 A local law amending Article V, Section C5-3 subsection (11) Assessor of the City Charter.
Local Law 6-2017 A local law authorizing the Common Council to adopt a 2018 tax levy in excess of the limit established by NYS General Municipal Law Section 3-c.
Local Law 5-2017 A local law amending Article VI, Section C6-1. Submission and Notice of Budget and Budget Message.
Local Law 4-2017 A local law amending Article V, Section C5-3, City Departments and Officers.
Local Law 3-2017 A local law repealing Chapter 48 & Chapter 82 and amending Chapters 233, 236, 241, 253, 257 and 270. (City Engineer)
Local Law 2-2017 A local law repealing Chapter 98 and amending Chapters 139 & 241. (Recreation Department)
Local Law 1-2017 A local law renaming Chapter 176 to read as "Regulating Open Fires, Bonfires and Small Recreational Fires".
Local Law 7-2016 A local law authorizing the Common Council to adopt a 2017 tax levy in excess of the limit established by NYS General Municipal Law Section 3-c.
Local Law 6-2016 A local law amending the Table of Contents, Section C1-8, Section C2-7, Section C3-8(H), Section C3-9, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, Article VII. (This was subject to mandatory referendum, and was not approved by the electors in the general election November 8, 2016.)
Local Law 5-2016 A local law adding Article VI entitled "Outdoor Cafes and Merchandise Displays on Public Streets and Sidewalks" to Chapter 233 "Streets and Sidewalks".
Local Law 4-2016 A local law adding Chapter 4, entitled "Ward Descriptions and Boundaries of the City of Plattsburgh".
Local Law 3-2016 A local law adding Chapter 3, entitled "Boundaries of the City of Plattsburgh".
Local Law 2-2016 A local law amending Chapter 257, Section 12, Paragraph B. (Fee schedule for water meters)
Local Law 1-2016 A local law restating in its entirety the City Charter.
Local Law 4-2015 A local law amending and restating the Title of Chapter 161 Article III of the City Code of the City of Plattsburgh as "Pigeons, and Other Wild Animals", also amending Chapter 161 Sections 161-14 and 161-15.
Local Law 3-2015 A local law amending Chapter 233 Streets and Sidewalks Sections 233.30-233.37.
Local Law 2-2015 A local law amending Chapter 270, Section 25, Paragraph M. (Parking front yard)
Local Law 1-2015 A local law amending Chapter 233, Section 11, Paragraph 2 and 4. (Hedges)
Local Law 3-2014 A local law amending and restating in its entirety Chapter 270, Section 26. (Signs)
Local Law 2-2014 A local law amending City Charter Section C2-2 and Superseding Public Officer's Law Section 3 Regarding Residency and other Qualifications for City Officers.
Local Law 1-2014 A local law amending Chapter 270 of the City Code concerning Special Permitted Uses in Industrial Zones.
Local Law 2-2013 A local law adding Chapter 200 City of Plattsburgh Mooring Law. (Repealed)
Local Law 1-2013 A local law amending in its entirety City Code Section 257-15C and setting water service rates and enacting regulations for levy and collection of water charges.
Local Law 4-2012 A local law amending City Code Section 206.7 (Noise) Enforcement.
Local Law 3-2012 A local law amending Chapter 219 of the City Code to regulate discharges into the City of Plattsburgh wastewater system.
Local Law 2-2012 A local law allowing transfer of title to abandoned vehicles.
Local Law 1-2012 A local law amending in its entirety City Code Section 257-15C and setting water service rates and enacting regulations for levy and collection of water charges.
Local Law 3-2011 A local law amending Chapter 270-26 of the City Code concerning signs.
Local Law 2-2011 A local law amending City Code Sections 233-22, 233-12 concerning removal, trimming and planting of trees, hedges and other plantings.
Local Law 1-2011 A local law imposing a six month moratorium on the installation of digital signs.
Local Law 2-2010 A local law amending City Charter Section C4-1 regarding compensation of the Mayor Pro Tem while acting Mayor.
Local Law 1-2010 A local law amending Chapter 161 of the City Code (Dogs and other animals).
Local Law 5-2009 A local law amending the boundaries of Plattsburgh Empire Zone Areas 1, 2, and establishing Zone area 4.
Local Law 4-2009 A local law amending City Charter Section C4-1 to provide for how absences and abstentions shall be counted in voting and voting requirements.
Local Law 3-2009 A local law amending City Code Chapters 270 & 260 to define and allow Community Gardens.
Local Law 2-2009 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer & drains and the levying & collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1-2009 A local law providing rates & regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 7-2008 A local law prohibiting public urination and defecation.
Local Law 6-2008 A local law repealing City Code Chapter 241-1 and enacting a new Chapter 241-1 authorizing the sale of surplus property.
Local Law 5-2008 A local law amending City Code Chapter 270 to change the number and terms of Zoning Board of Appeals members.
Local Law 4-2008 A local law amending and restating the definition of family in the City Code Chapter 270.
Local Law 3-2008 A local law amending and restating City Code Chapter 206 concerning noise.
Local Law 2-2008 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1-2008 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 11-2007 A local law, removal of snow and ice on public sidewalks.
Local Law 10-2007 A local law amending City Code Chapter 270 - Front yard parking.
Local Law 9-2007 A local law amending City Code Chapter 253 - Front yard parking.
Local Law 8-2007 A local law amending the Zoning District designations of lands Zoned R-1 to B-2.
Local Law 7-2007 A local law for flood damage prevention as authorized by the New York State Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 and Environmental Conservation Law, Article 36.
Local Law 6-2007 A local law providing for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Local Law 5-2007 A local law regulating fires and bonfires in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 4-2007 A local law repealing Chapters 175 & 191 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Local Law 3-2007 A local law repealing Chapter 252 of the City Code: Enacting Chapter 253 of the City Code- Parking: Establishing parking regulations, towing regulations, parking violations bureau.
Local Law 2-2007 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1-2007 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 5-2006 A local law addressing abandonment of City streets, alleys and rights of way.
Local Law 4-2006 A local law amending Chapter 252 of the City Code concerning fines for parking violation offenses.
Local Law 3-2006 A local law amending the Zoning law establishing child day care center as a special permitted use in RH, B-1 and B-2 Zones.
Local Law 2-2006 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1- 2006 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 7-2005 A local law amending Chapter 270 of the City Code (Zoning): Definition of townhouse; common driveway; site plan approval.
Local Law 6-2005 A local law authorizing the City of Plattsburgh to make application for redesignation of certain areas within the Plattsburgh area as Empire Zone.
Local Law 5-2005 A local law amending Chapter 161, Article I of the City Code concerning dogs at large.
Local Law 4-2005 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 3-2005 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 2-2005 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1-2005 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 10-2004 A local law amending the boundaries of Economic Development Zone Sub-Zones 2 & 8.
Local Law 9-2004 A local law amending Chapter 129 of the City Code concerning alcoholic beverages.
Local Law 8-2004 A local law amending Zoning Law, Section 270-6: Zoning Map.
Local Law 7-2004 A local law amending Zoning Law, Schedule I - Permitted Uses.
Local Law 6-2004 A local law amending Zoning Law, Schedule of Permitted Uses, Part B.
Local Law 5-2004 A local law amending Zoning Law, Schedule LL - Area and Bulk Controls.
Local Law 4-2004 A local law amending Sections 206-2 and 206-3 B of the City Code regarding unnecessary noise and noise violations.
Local Law 3-2004 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 2-2004 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 1-2004 A local law amending Zoning District Boundary; Sec. 270-25B (b) location of parking areas; Schedule I Part A Special Permitted Uses in B-1, B-2 Zoning Districts.
Local Law 9-2003 A local law establishing the US Oval Parking District and providing for a special assessment on benefited properties.
Local Law 8-2003 A local law for flood damage protection.
Local Law 7-2003 A local law amending City Charter Section C5-3D to increase the amount of checks authorized to be signed by mechanical check signing facilities.
Local Law 6-2003 A local law amendment to Chapter 270, Schedule I B Permitted Uses in RC Zoning District.
Local Law 5-2003 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 4-2003 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 3-2003 A local law amendment of Ward Boundaries.
Local Law 2-2003 A local law regarding unsafe buildings and dangerous structures.
Local Law 1-2003 A local law regarding appointment of members to Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board.
Local Law 7-2002 A local law designating sub zones six, seven and eight of the City of Plattsburgh Empire Zone.
Local Law 6-2002 A local law amending Chapter 270 of the City Code to change the Zoning classification of a certain parcel of land from B-1 to RC-2.
Local Law 5-2002 A local law electing a retirement incentive program as authorized by Chapter 69 for eligible employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 4-2002 A local law regarding payment of delinquent real property taxes in installments.
Local Law 3-2002 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 2-2002 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 1-2002 A local law designating sub zones four and five of the City of Plattsburgh's Empire Zone.
Local Law 6-2001 A local law amending Article II Section C2-3A and Article C2-4B of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh concerning the term of office of Mayor, Councilor, Corporation Counsel and Constable.
Local Law 5-2001 A local law repealing Chapter 270 of the City Code and enacting a new Chapter 270 of the City Code (Zoning).
Local Law 4-2001 A local law enacting and amending real property tax exemptions for persons over age 65.
Local Law 3-2001 A local law amending Local Law No. 3 of 1997 to increase veterans exemption amounts.
Local Law 2-2001 A local law amending Local Law 3 of 2000 to make possession of a forged instrument a violation.
Local Law 1-2001 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 4-2000 A local law regarding defense and indemnification of City of Plattsburgh employees (Amending and Superseding Chapter 34 of the City Code).
Local Law 3-2000 A local law regarding presentation of forged instrument to purchase alcoholic beverage
Local Law 2-2000 A local law annexing territory from the town of Plattsburgh to the city of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-2000 A local law defining the term "alley" and procedures for authorizing conveyance of the City's interest in any alley identified and proposed therefore.
Local Law 1-1999 A local law repealing Chapter 102 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh, concerning residency of city employees.
Local Law 1-1998 A local law regarding sale of Real Property acquired by the City of Plattsburgh for non-payment of Real Property taxes.
Local Law 3-1997 A local law enacting maximum Real Property Tax exemptions for Veterans pursuant to Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law.
Local Law 2-1997 A local law repealing Section 240-8 of the City Code which denies Veteran Real Property Tax Exemption granted by the Real Property Tax Law.
Local Law 1-1997 A local law enacting new provisions and amending Chapter 219 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh and Local Law No 1 of 1984 relating to: sewers; enforcement of city sewage laws and regulations; protection of the public's health, safety and welfare; and establishment of penalties.
Local Law 1-1996 A local law authorizing installation of temporary signs by affected property owners and tenants when travel on streets is impeded by major street improvements.
Local Law 2-1995 A local law amending Sections 252-15 C.4, .5 of the City Code to provide that police officers may enforce parking restrictions in fire lanes.
Local Law 1-1995 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 5-1994 A local law establishing terms of office for Zoning Board of Appeals members; providing for alternate members, amending standards for granting use and area variances.
Local Law 4-1994 A local law establishing terms of office for Planning Board members; providing for alternate members.
Local Law 3-1994 A local law amending Chapter 252 of the City Code to provide for the enforcement of fire lane requirements and parking restrictions on private property.
Local Law 2-1994 A local law annexing territory in the Town of Plattsburgh to the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-1994 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for leving and collection of water charges.
Local Law 7-1993 A local law amending the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh concerning budget and finance.
Local Law 6-1993 A local law amending the City Charter to impose term limits for the Mayor and Councilors.
Local Law 5-1993 A local law amending Chapter 7 of the City Code concerning issuance of appearance tickets.
Local Law 4-1993 A local law amending Chapter 183 of the City Code concerning removal of refuse, required frequency of collection, authorization for removal by the City in the event of non-compliance, and increased penalties for violation.
Local Law 3-1993 A local law concerning leasing of City property.
Local Law 2-1993 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 1-1993 A local law establishing certain requirements for the issuance of street and sidewalk opening permits.
Local Law 9-1992 A local law amending the City Charter to substitute the gender neutral term "Councilor" for "Alderman".
Local Law 8-1992 A local law amending Article II, Section C-2-1 & Article I, Section C-1-4 of the City Charter regarding election of Alderpersons, Ward creation and Boundaries, and repealing Section C-4-19 regarding Council authority to change Ward Boundaries.
Local Law 7-1992 A local law amending Chapter 270 of the City Code to change the Zoning District of certain lands within R-2 Zone to R-1.
Local Law 6-1992 A local law amending Sections 161-1, 161-6, and 161-9 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh, to proscribe certain conduct, and to increase penalties and impound fees.
Local Law 5-1992 A local law amending Local Law #3 of 1992 to more precisely describe the Local Law imposing sales and compensating use taxes that was repealed by the Local Law #3 of 1992.
Local Law 4-1992 A local law regarding procedures for leasing City-owned property.
Local Law 3-1992 A local law repealing Article V of Chapter 240 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh which imposes a Sales Tax.
Local Law 2-1992 A local law repealing City Code Sections 240-1 to 240-6.
Local Law 1-1992 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 3-1991 A local law amending Chapter 171 of the Code of the City of Plattsburgh.(Environmental Quality Review)
Local Law 2-1991 A local law authorizing payment of Real Property Taxes and Re-levies.
Local Law 1-1991 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 5-1990 A local law amending Sections C-2-1, C-2-4 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh to abolish the office of Director of Weights and Measures of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 4-1990 A local law amending Sections C-2-1, C-2-4 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh to abolish the Municipal Civil Service Commission of the City of Plattsburgh, and to elect that the Personnel Officer of the County of Clinton administer the Civil Service Law within the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 3-1990 A local law amending Local Law No. 1 of 1989 regarding the payment terms for water charges.
Local Law 2-1990 A local law amending Local Law No. 2 of 1989 regarding payment terms for sewer charges.
Local Law 1-1990 A local law authorizing the private sale of surplus property owned by the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 5-1989 A local law to establish a numbering system for the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh and to provide changes and revisions in conjunction with the codification of the Charter, local laws, ordinances and pertinent resolutions of the City.
Local Law 4-1989 A local law to provide for the compilation, renumbering and tabulation of the local laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City of Plattsburgh, designating such compiled and renumbered local laws, ordinances and resolutions as the "Code of the City of Plattsburgh" and providing penalties for tampering with said Code and providing for the amendment of certain existing pieces of legislation.
Local Law 3-1989 A local law regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer systems and providing penalties for violations thereof in the City of Plattsburgh, Clinton County, State of New York.
Local Law 2-1989 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 1-1989 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for the levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 1-1988 A local law amending the provisions of Local Law No. 4 of 1978 governing the conduct of Games of Chance.
No local laws filed in 1987 & 1986
Local Law 3-1985 A local law establishing the position of Assessor: Amending Title XIV Assessment and Taxation of the City Charter: Creating a Board of Assessment Review and changing dates for taxable status of Real Property, dates for completion of Assessment Roll grievance day and completion of final Assessment Roll.
Local Law 2-1985 A local law electing a retirement incentive program authorized by Chapter 665, Laws of 1984 for the eligible employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 1-1985 An act pursuant to Section 459 if the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York exempting from taxation improvements to Real Property consisting of one, two or three family residences used for the accommodation of physically handicapped persons.
Local Law 2-1984 A local law in relation to the alternative veterans exemption from Real Property Taxation.
Local Law 1-1984 A local law regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer systems and providing penalties for violations thereof in the City of Plattsburgh, Clinton County, State of New York.
Local Law 1-1983 A local law regulating the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a public place within the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 4-1982 An act amending paragraph 2 of Title II, Section 9 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 to provide that the terms of office of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Plattsburgh shall be four (4) years. (Defeated at Public Referendum)
Local Law 3-1982 An act amending Section 45 and Section 51-c as added by Local Law No. 31 of 1949 of the City Charter pertaining to the authorization of and payment of funds of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 1-1981 A local law amending Section 45a of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh as last amended by Local Law No. 3 of 1980.
Local Law 2-1982 A local law granting partial exemption from taxation, special ad valorem levies and service charges for the purpose of encouraging commercial, business, or industrial activity within the City of Plattsburgh, New York, pursuant to Section 485-B of the Real Property Tax law of the State of New York.
Local Law 1-1982 A local law authorizing the Mayor of the City of Plattsburgh to sign checks with facsimile signature.
Local Law 3-1981 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges.
Local Law 2-1981 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for the levying and collection of water charges.
Local Law 3-1980 A local law amending Section 45A of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, as last amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1954.
Local Law 2-1980 A local law amending Section 162 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, with respect to the rate of interest to be paid on tax sale certificates.
Local Law 1-1980 A local law providing for the defense and indemnification of officers and employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 4-1979 An act amending Local Law No. 12 of 1970 providing for the compensation for Aldermen of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 3-1979 A local law determining that the salary of the Mayor of the City of Plattsburgh, New York shall be based on the pay scale of management employees of said City.
Local Law 2-1979 An act amending Local Law No. 2 of 1976 retraining running at large of dogs in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, and particularly regulating dog owners responsibilities.
Local Law 1-1979 A local law of the City of Plattsburgh, New York authorizing the issuance of appearance tickets.
Local Law 5-1978 A local law rescinding Local Law No. 6 of 1972 abolishing the position of typist in the Plattsburgh Fire Department.
Local Law 4-1978 A local law pursuant to the direction contained in Subdivision Two of Section Nine of Article One of the Constitution of the State of New York and Chapter 960 of the Laws of 1976 as amended to permit the conduct of Games of Chance.
Local Law 3-1978 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewer and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges. (Repealed by LL No. 3-1981)
Local Law 2-1978 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for the levying and collection of water charges. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1981)
Local Law 1-1978 A local law amending the effective date of Local Law No. 4 of 1977 (An act imposing taxes on sales and uses of tangible personal property and on certain services, and on occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges, and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 8-1977 A local law amending the effective date of Local Law No. 4 of 1977 (An act imposing taxes on sales and uses of tangible personal property and on certain services, and on occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges, and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 7-1977 A local law creating the position of Assistant Manager, Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York in the competitive class of the municipal civil service, providing for the manner of appointment and providing for the method of establishing the salary and terms and conditions of said position.
Local Law 6-1977 A local law of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, repealing Local Law No. 3 of 1952 which provided for a mandatory referendum on any bond resolution and capital note resolution exceeding $250,000.00.
Local Law 5-1977 A local law amending the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh providing for the organization and appointment of members of the Fire Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 4-1977 A local law imposing taxes on sales and uses of tangible personal property and on certain services, and on occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges, and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 3-1977 An act creating the position of principal stenographer in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in the competitive class of the municipal civil service, providing the manner of appointment and providing for the method of establishing the salary and terms and conditions of said position.
Local Law 2-1977 An act amending Local Law No. 6 of 1976 establishing residency requirements for employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 1-1977 A local law of the City of Plattsburgh pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law providing for environmental quality review of actions which may have a significant effect on the environment.
Local Law 6-1976 An act establishing residence requirements for employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 5-1976 A local law reducing the per-centum of exemption from taxation, special ad valorem levies and service charges in the City of Plattsburgh, County of Clinton, State of New York otherwise allowed pursuant to Section 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1982)
Local Law 4-1976 a local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewers and drains and for the levying and collection of sewer charges. (Repealed by LL No. 3-1978)
Local Law 3-1976 A local law providing rates and regulations for water services and providing procedures for the levying and collection of water charges. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1978)
Local Law 2-1976 An act restraining running at large of dogs, in the City of Plattsburgh, New York and generally regulating dog owners' responsibilities.
Local Law 1-1976 An act creating the position of Deputy City Chamberlain.
Local Law 2-1975 An act fixing the taxable status date of Real Property in the City of Plattsburgh. (Superseded by LL No. 3-1985)
Local Law 1-1975 An act amending Section 144 of Chapter 260 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Local Law No. 9 of 1949 for the purpose of bringing said section into conformity with the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, and to substitute the word Assessor for Assessors. (Repealed by LL No. 3-1985)
No local laws filed in 1974.
Local Law 7-1973 A local law repealing local law providing for the minimum and maximum compensation rate and of annual increments, and the time for the taking effect of such increments, for various city personnel and certain employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 6-1973 A local law repealing local laws providing for the compensation, rate of increases and time of taking effect of such increases for City Police and Fire personnel.
Local Law 5-1973 A local law repealing Section 21 of the supplement to the City Charter.
Local Law 4-1973 A local law providing for the exchange of easements on property located on the north side of Boynton Avenue in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 3-1973 A local law repealing Local Law No. 6 of 1966 ( A local law creating a Park and Beautification Commission).
Local Law 2-1973 A local law amending Section 3: Time of taking effect of Local Law No. 3 and Local Law No. 5 of 1972. (Repealed by LL No. 4-1976)
Local Law 1-1973 A local law repealing certain local laws and portions of local laws providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for various City personnel.
Local Law 12-1972 A local law repealing Local Law No. 10 of 1972 imposing taxes on sales pursuant to Article 29 of the tax law of the State of New York.
Local Law 11-1972 A local law repealing Local Laws Numbered 6,7 and 8 of 1970 providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect for various City personnel.
Local Law 10-1972 A local law entitled an act imposing taxes on sales and uses of tangible personal property and on certain services, and on occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York. (Repealed by LL No. 12-1972)
Local Law 9-1972 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the Director of Operations. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1973)
Local Law 8-1972 A local law entitled an act to reorganize the public services of the City of Plattsburgh, New York and creating a Department of Planning, Engineering and Operations.
Local Law 7-1972 A local law amending Local Law No. 3 of 1952 with respect to the time for conducting a referendum on a bond resolution or capital note resolution.
Local Law 6-1972 A local law creating the position of typist in the Fire Department. (Repealed by LL No. 5-1978)
Local Law 5-1972 A local law amending the special provisions of service classification No. 2 of Local Law No. 3 of 1972. (Pertains to use of public and private sewer and drains) (Repealed by LL No. 3-1976)
Local Law 4-1972 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the Assistant Superintendent of Water and Sewer. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1973)
Local Law 3-1972 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewers and drains within the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 5-1976)
Local Law 2-1972 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for certain City employees. (Asst. Supt, Sts. & Parks, Beach Manager, Asst Beach Manager) (Superseded by LL No. 3-1985)
Local Law 1-1972 A local law amending Local Law No. 12 of 1970, in respect to the compensation of City Engineer. (Repealed by LL No.1-1973)
Local Law 2-1971 An act creating the position of Assessor pursuant to Article 15A of the Real Property Tax Law; and for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for certain City employees. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1973)
Local Law 1-1971 An act creating the position of Chief Sewage Treatment Plant Operator; and for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for certain City employees. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1973)
Local Law 12-1970 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for certain elected and appointed personnel and heads of departments of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 11-1970 A local law amending Section 52 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902. (Department of Public Works)
Local Law 10-1970 A local law relating to a Board of Ethics for the City of Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York.
Local Law 9-1970 A local law relating to a Code of Ethics for the City of Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York.
Local Law 8-1970 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for various City personnel. (Parking Meter Service Man, Parking Meter Attendant) (Repealed by LL No. 11-1972)
Local Law 7-1970 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for various City personnel. (Clerical Employees, Maintenance & Service Employees) (Repealed by LL No. 11-1972)
Local Law 6-1970 An act providing for the compensation, rate of increase, and time of taking effect of such increases for various City personnel. (Clerical Employees, Maintenance & Service Employees) (Repealed by LL No. 11-1972)
Local Law 5-1970 An act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation rate and of annual increments, and the time for the taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel and certain employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York. (Repealed by LL No. 7-1973)
Local Law 4-1970 An act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation rate and of annual increments, and the time for the taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel in the Fire Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York. (Repealed by LL No. 6-1973)
Local Law 3-1970 An act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation rate and of annual increments, and the time for the taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel in the Police Department of the City of Plattsburgh , New York.
Local Law 2-1970 An act amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 12 of 1968, in this instance in respect to the compensation to be paid to the Corporation Counsel, City Judge and Acting City Judge.
Local Law 1-1970 An act amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 12 of 1968 in this instance in respect to the compensation to be paid to the Municipal Civil Service Chairman, Civil Defense Director and School Crossing Guards.
Local Law 2-1969 A local law amending Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, in this instance fixing the official newspaper of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-1969 A local law creating positions of refuse collector in the Department of Public Works and fixing the compensation thereof.
Local Law 12-1968 An act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel. (City Officials and some personnel)
Local Law 11-1968 An act providing for the salaries and wages of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 10-1968 A local law providing rates and regulations for the use of public and private sewers and drains within the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 3-1972)
Local Law 9-1968 A local law creating the position of one or more dog wardens in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 8-1968 A local law creating a position of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator and Sewage Plant Attendant in the Department of Water & Sewage and fixing the compensation thereof.
Local Law 7-1968 A local law fixing the salary and wage levels for the Recreation Director.
Local Law 6-1968 A local law creating a Recreation Department in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 5-1968 A local law amending sections 52 and repealing 53 of Title 4 of the City Charter as added to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 by Local Law No. 32 of 1949. (Department of Public Works)
Local Law 4-1968 A local law amending Article 5-A as added to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 by Local Law 33 of 1949 in this instance specifying the duties of the City Engineer in respect to the Water Department.
Local Law 3-1968 A local law fixing the salary and wage levels for Manager, Superintendent and Accountant for the Water and Sewer Department.
Local Law 2-1968 A local law amending Article 5-A as added to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 by Local Law No. 33 of 1949. In this instance providing that the Manager of the Municipal Lighting Department shall be the Manager of Water and Sewage, the Plant Superintendent shall be the Superintendent of the Department of Water and Sewage and that the accounting of collection of water rentals for the Department of Water and Sewage shall be performed by the Municipal Lighting Department.
Local Law 1-1968 A local law providing for a uniform clothing allowance for members of the Fire Department of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 13-1967 A local law to amend the City Charter, Section 72 concerning the organization of the Fire Department of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 12-1967 A local law authorizing an agreement between the City of Plattsburgh and the County of Clinton, providing for the distribution of sales tax revenues which are imposed by the County of Clinton, effective March 1, 1968, and suspending the provisions of Local Law No. 6 of 1965 and all amendments thereto.
Local Law 11-1967 A local law amending Section 2 of Local Law No. 11 of 1966, in respect to the status of the Deputy Civil Defense Director.
Local Law 10-1967 A local law affixing the salary of the Beach Manager.
Local Law 9-1967 A local law requiring the Plattsburgh Urban Renewal Agency to pay moneys in lieu of taxes to the City of Plattsburgh and the Plattsburgh City School District.
Local Law 8-1967 A local law entitled an act abolishing the Beach Commission of the City of Plattsburgh, and vesting all its powers in the Common Council.
Local Law 7-1967 A local law creating the position of Junior Librarian in the Public Library and fixing the compensation thereof.
Local Law 6-1967 A local law regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer systems: and providing penalties for violation thereof: in the City of Plattsburgh, County of Clinton, State of New York. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1984)
Local Law 5-1967 A local law creating the position of Bingo Inspector prescribing the duties and fixing the salary of the position.
Local Law 4-1967 A local law amending Local Law No. 11 of 1966 to include salary and wage levels for City Engineer and Carpenter-Mason.
Local Law 3-1967 A local law creating the position of Carpenter-Mason in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 2-1967 A local law repealing Local Laws Numbers 4 and 12 of 1966 and amending Section 141 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Local Law Number 40 of 1949.
Local Law 1-1967 A local law providing for a uniform clothing allowance for members of the Fire Department of the City of Plattsburgh, for the year 1967. (Superseded by LL No. 1-1968)
Local Law 13-1966 A local law amending Local Law No. 6 of 1965 for the purpose of conforming with Chapters 918, 962, and 1023 of the Laws of 1966 of the State of New York. (Imposing taxes on sales and use of tangible personal property and certain services, occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York) (Superseded by LL No. 10-1972)
Local Law 12-1966 A local law amending Section 141 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, in this instance, providing for a temporary Acting City Judge, in cases of absence or disability. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1967)
Local Law 11-1966 A local law entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel. (Superseded by LL No. 11-1968)
Local Law 10-1966 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 11-1968)
Local Law 9-1966 Entitled a local law amending Local Law No. 3 of 1965 to provide cash reimbursement of payments made by City employees and retirees for Medicare coverages.
Local Law 8-1966 A local law authorizing the Common Council of the City of Plattsburgh to fix office hours for the Office of the Mayor and various City Departments by resolutions.
Local Law 7-1966 A local law amending Local Law No. 6 of 1964 to provide for changes in rate of compensation for Civil Defense Director and Playground Attendants.
Local Law 6-1966 A local law creating a Park and Beautification Commission.
Local Law 5-1966 A local law creating a Beach Commission. (Repealed by LL No. 8-1967)
Local Law 4-1966 A local law amending Section 141 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 40 of 1949, in this instance prescribing the duties and fixing the compensation of the Acting City Judge. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1967)
Local Law 3-1966 A local law fixing the salary of the Housing Inspector.
Local Law 2-1966 A local law providing for a uniform clothing allowance for members of the Fire Department of the City of Plattsburgh, for the year 1966. (Superseded by LL No. 1-1967)
Local Law 1-1966 A local law amending Subdivision 5, Section 150, of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, in this case providing for the collection of taxes in four (4) equal installments.
Local Law 14-1965 An act dividing the City of Plattsburgh into three (3) wards and providing for the election of two Aldermen for each of said wards.
Local Law 13-1965 Entitled and act amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 6 of 1964, regarding the maximum allowable compensation for school traffic officers.
Local Law 12-1965 Entitled a local law amending Local Law NO. 6 of 1965 to extend the duration of the sales tax indefinitely. (Superseded by LL No. 10-1972)
Local Law 11-1965 An act amending Local Law No. 12 of 1964 as amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1965, entitled an act authorizing the City of Plattsburgh and the County of Clinton to enter into a co-operative agreement pursuant to the provisions of Section 219M of the General Municipal Law, and prescribing the form and terms of said agreement.
Local Law 10-1965 A local law amending Local Law No. 12 of 1964, and Local Law No. 4 of 1965, by amending the co-operative agreement set forth in Section 1 of said local law, and in this instance providing that the membership will consist of no more than 60% representation from major public and private agencies, and that 40% of the said commission shall be participants.
Local Law 9-1965 Entitled a local law fixing the salary of the Housing Inspector. (Superseded by LL No. 3-1966)
Local Law 8-1965 Entitled a local law amending Local Law No. 6 of 1965 to conform with Chapters 568, 569, 571 and 575 of the Laws of 1965 of the State of New York concerning sales tax. (Superseded by LL No. 10-1972)
Local Law 7-1965 Entitled a local law amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 12 of 1964, regarding the employer of record as per Section 119-o of The General Municipal Law.
Local Law 6-1965 Entitled a local law, imposing taxes on sales and use of tangible personal property and certain services. Occupancy of hotel rooms, admission charges and club dues, pursuant to Article 29 of the tax law of the State of New York. (Superseded by LL No. 10-1972)
Local Law 5-1965 A local law creating the position of Housing Inspector in the City of Plattsburgh. (Superseded by LL No. 11-1970)
Local Law 4-1965 A local law amending Local Law No. 12 of 1964, by amending the co-operative agreement set forth in Section 1 of said Local Law, and in this instance increasing the number of the members of said Commission from 12 to 24, with two ex-officio members.
Local Law 3-1965 Entitled a local law to provide health insurance protection for regular City Officials, Department Heads, Employees, Retired Employees and their families.
Local Law 2-1965 A local law providing a clothing allowance for members of the Police Department in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 1-1965 Entitled a local law amending Section 2 of Local Law No. 6 of 1964, regarding the grades and annual salary rates for members of the Police Department.
Local Law 12-1964 An act authorizing the City of Plattsburgh and the County of Clinton to enter into a co-operative agreement pursuant to the provisions of Section 119-M of the General Municipal Law and prescribing the form and terms of said agreement.
Local Law 11-1964 A local law creating the position of electrician in the Municipal Lighting Department, City of Plattsburgh, in the competitive class of municipal civil service, providing for the manner of his appointment, and fixing the salary thereof.
Local Law 10-1964 A local law amending Local Law No. 3 (Compensating Use Tax) of 1962. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 9-1964 A local law amending Local Law No. 2 of 1962 (Sales Tax). (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 8-1964 A local law amending Local Law No. 7 of 1964 by adding Section 2A to said local law.
Local Law 7-1964 Entitled an act providing for the establishment of a municipal parking lot: Providing for the cost of said establishment, and placing the same under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 6-1964 Entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments, for various City Personnel. (Superseded by LL No. 11-1966)
Local Law 5-1964 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 3 of 1964 in respect to wearing apparel of Policemen and Policewomen. (Superseded by LL No. 2-1965)
Local Law 4-1964 A local law granting the consent of the City of Plattsburgh to joining a community mental health service to be established in the County of Clinton.
Local Law 3-1964 A local law providing a clothing allowance for members of the Police Department in the City of Plattsburgh, New York. (Superseded by LL No. 2-1965)
Local Law 2-1964 Entitled a local law repealing Section 50 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 1-1964 Entitled a local law amending Sections 45-D and 45-E of the City Charter, as added by Local Laws No. 26 and 27 of 1949, in respect to penalties and interest on special assessments.
LL 5-1963 An act amending Local Law No. 1 of 1926 in relation to the powers of the Common Council to increase compensation of its officers and employees, and in this instance prohibiting the Mayor and Common Council from increasing the compensation of elective officers during the term of office which they are at that time serving, and providing that any increase voted for elective officers shall become effective on January 1st, next succeeding the expiration of their term of office.
Local Law 4-1963 Fire Department salary.
Local Law 3-1963 Entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel. (Superseded by LL No. 6-1964)
Local Law 2-1963 Entitled a local law amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 10 of 1962, regarding the annual salary rate for the position of sales tax attorney. (Superseded by LL No. 3-1963)
Local Law 1-1963 A local law to provide for the continuity of government of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in the event of an attack or public disaster.
Local Law 13-1962 Entitled a local law amending Section 7, Paragraph C of Local Law No. 3 of 1962, in respect to filing of returns for compensating use tax. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 12-1962 Entitled a local law amending Section 5, paragraph A of Local Law No. 4 of 1962, in respect to filing of returns for the hotel occupancy tax. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 11-1962 Entitled a local law amending Section 5, Paragraph A of Local Law No. 2 of 1962, in respect to filing of returns for the retail sales tax. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 10-1962 Entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments, for various City personnel. (Superseded by LL No. 3-1963)
Local Law 9-1962 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 8-1962 Entitled an act creating a Civic Centers Commission, providing for its membership and prescribing its powers and duties.
Local Law 7-1962 A local law creating the position of Director of Urban Renewal in the exempt class of the municipal civil service, providing for the manner of his appointment, term of office, and fixing the salary thereof.
Local Law 6-1962 Entitled an act amending Section 51-c of the City Charter to authorize use of mechanical check-signing facilities.
Local Law 5-1962 Entitled an act creating and establishing certain positions and amending Sections 1 and 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1961 regarding salary rates for Sales Tax Attorney, Senior Tax Examiner, Principal Account Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Sales Tax Examiner and City Chamberlain. (Superseded by LL No. 10-1963)
Local Law 4-1962 A local law imposing a tax on occupancy of room or rooms in hotels, apartment hotels or lodging houses, as authorized by Paragraph 1 of Chapter 278 of the Laws of 1947, as amended, and making and appropriation for the administration thereof. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 3-1962 A local law imposing an excise tax for the privilege of using within such city any article of tangible personal property purchased at retail, as authorized by paragraph (A) of Section 1 of Chapter 278 of the laws of 1947 as amended, and making an appropriation for the administration thereof.
Local Law 2-1962 A local law imposing a retail sales tax, as authorized by paragraph (A) of Section 1 and Section 2 of Chapter 278 of the laws of 1947, as amended, and further authorizing the imposition of a retail sales tax on food or drinks of any nature, in restaurants, cafes, bars and other establishments in accordance with Paragraph (B), Section 1 and Section 2 of Chapter 278, of the Laws of 1947 as amended. (Superseded by LL No. 12-1967)
Local Law 1-1962 Entitled a local law amending Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1961, in respect to the status of the Airport Manager. (Repealed by LL No. 9-1962)
Local Law 2-1961 Entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments for various City personnel. (Superseded by LL No. 3-1963)
Local Law 1-1961 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 9-1962)
Local Law 3-1960 Entitled an act amending section 165 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (City Charter). (Settlement by the Chamberlain for taxes collected)
Local Law 2-1960 Entitled an act amending local law No. 3 of 1958. (Longevity increments for City Officials, Department Heads and Employees)
Local Law 1-1960 Entitled a local law amending Section 143 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902. (Limitations of actions against the City)
Local Law 3-1959 Entitled: Local law amending Section 80 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 38 of 1949, creating the position of Parking Meter Attendant.
Local Law 2-1959 A local law regulating indecent attire of persons on streets and public places in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 1-1959 Entitled an act regulating wearing apparel upon the streets and public places of the City of Plattburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1959)
Local Law 4-1958 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 3 of 1958. (Regarding Senior Clerk in Public Works Department) (Superseded by LL No. 1-1961)
Local Law 3-1958 Entitled an act classifying titles and positions and providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of annual increments, and time of taking effect of such increments for various City personnel. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1961)
Local Law 2-1958 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1961)
Local Law 1-1958 Entitled a local law to adopt a system of permanent personal registration, set forth in Article 15 of the Election Law.
Local Law 8-1957 Entitled an act establishing uniform payroll procedures for all departments, offices and personnel of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 7-1957 Entitled a local law creating the position of Senior Engineering Aide, in the Municipal Lighting Department, and fixing the compensation thereof. (Superseded by LL No. 9-1962)
Local Law 6-1957 Entitled a local law amending Local Law No. 3 of 1957, in this instance providing for the compensation of Election Inspectors, Custodians of voting machines and Party Representatives. (Superseded by LL No. 11-1965)
Local Law 5-1957 Entitled a local law authorizing the City Chamberlain to designate a member of the Finance Department to act in his place and stead during his absence, adding Section 51 D. to the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, N. Y.
Local Law 4-1957 Entitled a local law amending Section 119 of the Administrative Code of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 3-1957 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for City officials; creating, continuing and classifying titles and positions and providing for compensation, rates of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh, and providing for payrolls and establishing periods therefor.
Local Law 2-1957 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1958)
Local Law 1-1957 A local law amending Section 72 or Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902. (Fire Department)
Local Law 6-1956 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No. 5 of 1956, fixing the compensation for the position of City Chamberlain.
Local Law 5-1956 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for City Officials; creating, continuing and classifying titles and positions and providing for compensation, rates of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh, and providing for payrolls and establishing payroll periods therefor.
Local Law 4-1956 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Superseded by LL No. 2-1957)
Local Law 3-1956 Entitled a local law fixing the salary of the Aldermen of Plattsburgh at $1200 per year.
Local Law 2-1956 Entitled a local law creating the position of Police Woman in the Police Department.
Local Law 1-1956 Entitled a local law fixing the compensation of the Corporation Counsel, City Judge, and Acting City Judge.
Local Law 5-1955 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed LL No. 4-1956
Local Law 4-1955 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for City Officials; creating, continuing and classifying titles and positions and providing for compensation, rates of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh, and providing for payrolls and establishing payroll periods therefor.
Local Law 3-1955 Entitled a local law fixing the compensation of the Superintendent of Public Works and the Superintendent of Water and Sewage.
Local Law 2-1955 Entitled a local law authorizing an additional Assistant Chief Engineer in the Fire Department and fixing the compensation thereof.
Local Law 1-1955 Entitled a local law creating the positions of Police Captain and two additional Police Lieutenants and fixing their compensation.
Local Law 9-1954 Entitled a local law creating the position and fixing the salary of Billing Machine Operator in the Department of Finance.
Local Law 8-1954 Entitled a local law creating the position and fixing the salary of Deputy City Court Clerk.
Local Law 7-1954 Entitled a local law amending Section 1 of Local Law No. 5 of 1954, in this instance providing that the referendum specified be held at the next general election on November 2nd, 1954.
Local Law 6-1954 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL 5-1955)
Local Law 5-1954 Entitled a local law providing for a referendum on the creation of a Charter Commission and further providing for the appointment, terms of office, powers and duties of such Commission pursuant to Section 20 of the City Home Rule Law.
Local Law 4-1954 Entitled an act in relation to streets, roads and water and sewer facilities, sidewalks, curbs and extensions thereof. Amending Section 45a of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as added by Local Law No. 23 of 1949 and repealing Sections 45b of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as added by Local Law No. 24 of 1949, Section 45c of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as added by Local Law No. 25 of 1949, Section 45d of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as added by Local Law No. 26 of 1949 and Section 45e of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as added by Local Law No. 27 of 1949.
Local Law 3-1954 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 1 of 1953 and Local Law No. 3 of 1953 in this instance increasing the salary of the Librarian, Assistant Librarian and certain hourly employees of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-1954 Entitled a local law abolishing the Board of Health and the various positions in the Health Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, and repealing Title 8, Section 114 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1949.
Local Law 1-1954 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 1 of 1953 in respect to the salaries of policemen and firemen.
Local Law 5-1953 Entitled a local law fixing the salary of the Mayor of Plattsburgh at $7800 per year.
Local Law 4-1953 Entitled an act amending Section 23 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Chapter 352 of the Laws of 1919 in relations to the powers and duties of the Mayor.
Local Law 3-1953 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 1 of 1953 and in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation in rates of increase and the time of taking effect of such increase for Police Lieutenants, Sergeants, Assistant Fire Chief and Librarian in the classified Civil Service of the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 2-1953 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 6-1954)
Local Law 1-1953 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for city officials, creating, continuing and classifying titles and positions and providing for compensation, rates of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh, and providing for payrolls and establishing payroll periods therefor.
Local Law 4-1952 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 2-1953
Local Law 3-1952 A local law of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, to provide for a mandatory referendum on any bond resolution and capital note resolution exceeding $250,000.00. (Repealed by LL No. 6-1977)
Local Law 2-1952 Entitled and act amending Section 21 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (Contracts/Bids) (Repealed by LL 5-1973)
Local Law 1-1952 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for City Officials; creating, continuing and classifying titles and positions and providing for compensation, rates of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh, and providing for payrolls and establishing payroll periods therefor. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1953)
Local Law 5-1951 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 4-1952)
Local Law 4-1951 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 8 of 1952 providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increase for city officials and creating, continuing, classifying and providing for the compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increase, for the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh and in this instance establishing the position of Senior Clerk in the Department of Health and providing for the pay for dentists when employed. (Superseded see LL No. 2-1954)
Local Law 3-1951 Entitled an act amending local law no. 8 of 1950 and in this instance providing for the minimum, maximum and rate of increase of the pay of the City Librarian.
Local Law 2-1951 Entitled an act to amend Section 21 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh", allowing for a minimum of $2,000.00 on certain purchases for the Municipal Lighting Department for which bids must be asked for. (Repealed by LL No. 5-1973)
Local Law 1-1951 Entitled an act establishing the position of Engineering Aide in the Department of Public Works and fixing the compensation thereof. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1952)
Local Law 9-1950 Entitled and act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 5-1951)
Local Law 8-1950 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for city officials and creating, continuing, classifying and providing compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1952)
Local Law 7-1950 Entitled an act creating the position of Police Lieutenant in the Police Department and fixing the compensation for such position.
Local Law 6-1950 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 42 of 1949 providing for the minimum and maximum rate of compensation for the Tree Surgeon in the Department of Public Works and the annual increment thereof. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1952)
Local Law 5-1950 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross income or gross operating income of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 4-1950 Entitled an act amending Local Law No. 42 of 1949, in this instance providing for minimum and maximum compensation for the Senior Stenographer and also providing for the establishment of the position of Account Clerk-Typist and fixing the compensation thereof. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1952)
Local Law 3-1950 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No. 9-1950)
Local Law 2-1950 Entitled a local law amending Section 5 of Local Law No. 1 of 1936 respecting the method of service and in this instance providing for the appointment of a Business Manager and a Plant Superintendent.
Local Law 1-1950 Entitled an act amending Section 21 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended to date. (Repealed by LL No. 5-1973)
Local Law 48-1949 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No 42 of 1949 and in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for the Storekeeper and Senior Motor Equipment Operator in the Department of Public Works. (Repealed by LL No. 1-1952)
Local Law 47-1949 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross income or gross operating income of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City law of the State of New York.
Local Law 46-1949 Entitled an act repealing Local Law No 5 of 1925 as amended and Local Law No 3 of 1940 as amended.
Local Law 45-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 183 A of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, as enacted by Local Law No 41 of 1949.
Local Law 44-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 151 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by date. (tax roll and warrant to chamberlain)
Local Law 43-1949 Entitled an act to re-enact Section 49 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902. (official newspaper)
Local Law 42-1949 Entitled an act providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for city officials and creating, continuing, classifying and providing for compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of the various employees of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No 1-1952)
Local Law 41-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 183A to Title 15 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance repealing certain sections of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as said sections may be amended to date.
Local Law 40-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 141 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 39-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 93 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Section 449 of the Laws of 1903 and all acts amendatory thereof and in this instance regarding the method of payment of salaries of police officers.
Local Law 38-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 80 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Section 449 of the Laws of 1903 and all acts amendatory thereof and in this instance providing for the appointment of police officers.
Local Law 37-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 75 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in respect to the annual estimate of the Fire Department.
Local Law 36-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 72 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Local Law No 2 of 1939.
Local Law 35-1949 Entitled an act adding Title 5C to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, the same consisting of sections 70g and 70h and in this instance continuing the office of Building Inspector, prescribing his duties and defining his powers thereof.
Local Law 34-1949 Entitled an act adding Title 5B to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance providing for the continuation of the Municipal Airport Commission; said title to consist of Sections 70-a, 70-b, 70-c, 70-d, 70-e and 70-f.
Local Law 33-1949 Entitled an act continuing the Department of Water and Sewage in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, enacting new sections 54, 55 and 56 the same to constitute Title 5A of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 32-1949 Entitled an act providing for the organization of the Department of Public Works of the City of Plattsburgh and enacting new sections 52 and 53 the same being Title 5 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 31-1949 Entitled an act creating a Department of Finance in the City of Plattsburgh, adding Title 4-A to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, said Title 4-A consisting of Sections 51-A, 51-B and 51-C.
Local Law 30-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45H to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (taxes and assessments).
Local Law 29-1949 Entitled and act adding Section 45G to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (county court).
Local Law 28-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45F to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (lien of assessments).
Local law 27-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45E to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 respecting real estate to be sold. (Repealed by LL No 4-1954)
Local Law 26-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45D to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance providing for the Notice of Assessments. (Repealed by LL No 4-1954)
Local Law 25-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45C to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 (sewers). (Repealed by LL No 4-1954)
Local Law 24-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45B to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 respecting sidewalks and curbs. (Repealed by LL No 4-1954)
Local Law 23-1949 Entitled an act adding Section 45A to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 providing for the opening, altering or extending of streets, assessments of benefits of payment.
Local Law 22-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 45 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and repealing Sections 36A, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60A, 66 and 70 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and Sections 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782 of Chapter 710 of the Laws of 1943.
Local Law 21-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 27 of Chapter 26 of the Laws of 1902 respecting the duties of the Corporation Counsel and in this instance providing for the employment of an Assistant Corporation Counsel.
Local Law 20-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 26 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and all acts amendatory thereof (powers, duties of City Clerk).
Local Law 19-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 13 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance fixing the hours of special elections in the City of Plattsburgh and hereby repealing Local Law No 2 of 1948 (special elections).
Local Law 18-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by the various Local Laws to date. In this instance giving the Common Council the power and authority to fix the compensation of city officials and city employees and further providing for additional compensation for the Corporation Counsel in difficult or important cases.
Local Law 17-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 10 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912; Local Law No 8 of 1932; Local Law No 15 of 1942; Local Law No 23 of 1942 and Local Law No 14 of 1948 in relation to appointive city officers and their terms of office.
Local Law 16-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 7 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in respect to city officers.
Local Law 15-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 160 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in respect to the manner of conducting the sale of lands for taxes.
Local Law 14-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 158 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in relation to the sale of lands for unpaid taxes.
Local Law 13-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 153 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 providing for the issuance of tax receipts.
Local Law 12-1949 Entitled and act to amend Section 152 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in relation to the notice of receiving taxes.
Local Law 11-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 150 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 relating to levy of taxes by the Common Council.
Local Law 10-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 148 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance substituting the words "Commissioners of Assessment and Taxation" for the word "Assessors". (Repealed by LL No 3-1985)
Local Law 9-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 147 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance substituting the words "Commissioners of Assessment and Taxation" for the work "Assessor". (Repealed by LL No 3-1985)
Local Law 8-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 146 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in this instance substituting the words "Commissioners of Assessment and Taxation" for the word "Assessment". (Repealed by LL No 3-1985)
Local Law 7-1949 Entitled an act amending Section 145a of the City Charter as set forth under Local Law No 15 of 1948 (Board of Assessors abolished; Commissioner of Assessment and Taxation established).
Local Law 6-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 114 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in respect to the Board of Health of the City of Plattsburgh, New York and organization thereof and the appointment of a Health Officer and repealing Sections 12 and 115-116-117 and 118 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and all amendments thereto. (Abolished by LL No 2-1954)
Local Law 5-1949 Entitled an act abolishing the Department of Public Welfare or Department of Charities in the City of Plattsburgh, New York and repealing Sections 119-120-121-122 and 123 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 4-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 11-B of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and the time of taking effect of such increase for certain employees in the Office of the City Clerk and the City Chamberlain and for the cleaners of City Hall. (Repealed by LL No 42-1949)
Local Law 3-1949 Entitled an act providing for the establishment and organization of a Department of Water and Sewage in the City of Plattsburgh, New York. (Superseded by LL No 33-1949)
Local Law 2-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by various Local Laws to date and in this instance providing for the compensation of the City Judge, Acting City Judge and the Superintendent of Public Works and further amending Section 11B of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 providing for the minimum and maximum compensation and the rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increase for certain employees in the Department of Public Works of the City of Plattsburgh and also providing for compensation of the Clerk of the City Court.
Local Law 1-1949 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by the various Local Laws to date and in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and the time of taking effect of such increases of the Chief of Police, Acting Chief of Police and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and further amending Section 11B of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases for police officers and firemen in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 18-1948 Entitled an act amending Local Law No 1 of 1940 and Local Law No 1 of 1941 and in this instance prescribing additional duties for the building inspector and fixing the salary thereof. (Repealed by LL No 35-1949)
Local Law 17-1948 Entitled and act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by various Local Laws to date, in this instance providing for minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and the time of taking effect of such increases for city officials and city department heads in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 16-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various Local Laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for the city officials and city department heads in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 15-1948 Entitled an act adding Section 145 (a) to Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and being part of Title XIV of such Law, abolishing the Board of Assessors of the City of Plattsburgh as now constituted and creating a new Commission of Assessment and Taxation. (Superseded by LL No 3-1985)
Local Law 14-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 10 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912; Local Law No 8 of 1932; Local Law No 15 of 1942 and Local Law No 23 of 1942 in relation to appointive city officers and their terms in office.
Local Law 13-1948 Entitled an act amending Local Law No 6 of 1948 in relation to classification and minimum and maximum compensation for positions in the Department of Public Health. (Repealed by LL No 42-1949)
Local Law 12-1948 Entitled an act amending Section 147 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance fixing the time for the completion of the assessment roll, its filing thereof with the City Clerk's Office, notice to be given and fixing time to review assessments. (Repealed by LL No 2-1985)
Local Law 11-1948 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No 21-1949)
Local Law 10-1948 Entitled an act adding Section 11C to the City Charter and in this instance providing for the appointment of an Assistant Corporation Counsel. (Repealed by LL No 21-1949)
Local Law 9-1948 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross income or gross operating income of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 8-1948 Entitled an act amending Section 45 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 "Entitled An Act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh" and in this instance providing the manner in which the employees of the Municipal Lighting Department shall be paid.
Local Law 7-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 31 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 "Entitled An Act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh" and in this instance authorizing the employment of clerical help for said Board of Assessors. (Repealed by LL No 7-1949)
Local Law 6-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various Local Laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for the city officials and city department heads of the City of Plattsburgh, New York; and amending Section 11-B of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for employees of said City of Plattsburgh, including both annual salaries and hourly wage rates.
Local Law 5-1948 Entitled and act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various Local Laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for the city officials and city department heads of the City of Plattsburgh, New York; and amending Section 11-B of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for employees of said City of Plattsburgh, including both annual salaries and hourly wage rates.
Local Law 4-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 21 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh" providing a minimum of $1,000.00 for which bids must be asked for. (Repealed by LL No 5-1973)
Local Law 3-1948 Entitled an act to increase the compensation of the Superintendent of Public Works and the Filtration Plant Operator for duties performed in connection with the Sewage Disposal Plant and payable out of sewer revenues.
Local Law 2-1948 Entitled an act to amend Section 13 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 and in this instance fixing the hours for special elections in the City of Plattsburgh.
Local Law 1-1948 Entitled an act to abolish the Veterans Service Agency of the City of Plattsburgh and repealing Local Law No 4 of 1945.
Local Law 10-1947 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various local laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and the time of taking effect of such increase for the City Chamberlain of the City of Plattsburgh, New York. (Repealed by LL No 6-1948)
Local Law 9-1947 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 o f the Laws of 1902, as amended by various local laws to date, in this instance providing for the for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increase, for the City Clerk of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 8-1947 Entitled an act creating the position of Tree Surgeon in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, prescribing the duties of such position and providing for the classification and compensation thereof.
Local Law 7-1947 Entitled an act to amend Section 11-B of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as last amended by Section 2 of Local Law No 1 of 1947, in this instance providing that effective September 1, 1947, the salary of the Plumbing Inspector shall be $900.00 per year upon appointment.
Local Law 6-1947 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Superseded by LL No 9-1962)
Local Law 5-1947 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross income or gross operating income of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 4-1947 Entitled an act to amend Subdivision 2 of Section 9 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, entitle "An Act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh", fixing the terms of office of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Plattsburgh, for a period of four years. (Superseded by LL No 14-1966)
Local Law 3-1947 Entitled an act to amend Section 14 of Local Law No 3 of 1946, in respect to the disposition of moneys and penalties received from the tax on gross incomes or gross operating incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 2-1947 Entitled an act creating the position of Recreation Director for duty under the City of Plattsburgh Youth Commission, prescribing the duties of such position and providing for the classification and compensation thereof.
Local Law 1-1947 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various local laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for the city officials of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, and adding Section 11-B to the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for the minimum and maximum compensation for employees of said city and fixing the time of taking effect.
Local Law 4-1946 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as last amended by Local Law No 1 of 1946, in this instance providing for the compensation of inspectors of election and other election officers, and for the time of taking effect of such compensation.
Local Law 3-1946 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross incomes or gross operating income of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 2-1946 Entitled an act, providing for the wages and hours of officers and employees of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No 6-1947)
Local Law 1-1946 Entitled an act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by various local laws to date, in this instance providing for the minimum and maximum compensation, rate of increase and time of taking effect of such increases, for the city officials of the City of Plattsburgh, New York,and adding Section 11-B to the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for the minimum and maximum compensation for employees of said city and fixing the time of taking effect.
Local Law 8-1945 Entitled an act to amend the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, in relation to the power of the Common Council to transfer surplus moneys from one fund to another prior to the close of any fiscal year.
Local Law 7-1945 Entitled an act to amend Section No 4 of Local Law No 7 of 1943 by providing for a seven (7%) increase in the salary attached to the position of "Junior Clerk" in the Office of the City Clerk for the duration of World War No 2 and for a period of six months thereafter.
Local Law 6-1945 Entitled an act to amend Section 7 of Local Law No 7 of 1943, as last amended by Local Law No 12 of 1944, providing for an increase in the salary attached to the position of Tree Surgeon.
Local Law 5-1945 Entitled an act to amend Section No 5 of Local Law No 7 of 1943, by providing for a seven percent (7%) increase in the salary for the position of Senior Clerk listed under said Section.
Local Law 4-1945 Entitled an act to establish a City Veteran's Service Agency for the City of Plattsburgh. (Repealed by LL No 1-1948)
Local Law 3-1945 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No 7 of 1943 by eliminating therefrom Section 12, pertaining to the salary of the Superintendent of the Municipal Bathing Beach.
Local Law 2-1945 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross income or gross operating incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 1-1945 Entitled an act to amend Sections 3 and 7 of Local Law No 7 of 1943, by providing for a seven percent (7%) increase in the salaries of certain positions listed under said Sections 3 and 7, said increase to continue for the duration of World War No 2 and for a period of six months thereafter. (Repealed by LL No 1-1947)
Local Law 13-1944 Entitled an act to create a Municipal Airport Commission for the Plattsburgh Municipal Airport. (Repealed by LL No 34-1949)
Local Law 12-1944 Entitled an act to amend Sections Nos 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Local Law No 7 of 1943 by providing for a seven (7%) percent increase in the salaries of certain positions listed under said Sections Nos 1, 4, 5 and 7, and providing for a five cent per hour increase in the salaries of skilled, semi-skilled and common laborers listed under said Section No 8 for the duration of World War No 2 and for a period of six months thereafter.
Local Law 11-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 3 of Local Law No 5 of 1942 by providing for a seven (7%) percent increase in the salaries of all positions listed under said Section 3 excepting the positions of Business Manager, Plant Superintendent, First Class Lineman, Electric Meter Serviceman, Lineman Helper and Stock Clerk, for the duration of World War No 2 and for a period of six months thereafter.
Local Law 10-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 6 of Local Law No 7 of 1943 by striking therefrom the minimum and maximum salary together with yearly increment shown under columns No 1, 2 and 3 respectively, for the position of Sewage Plant Operator and fixing the annual salary of this position to be paid at the rate of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars per annum, and increasing by seven (7%) percent the annual salary of Sewage Plant Attendant for the duration of World War No 2 and six months thereafter.
Local Law 9-1944 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross incomes or gross operating incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 8-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 as last amended by Local Law No 5 of 1943 and Local Law No 2 of 1944 with respect to the per annum salary paid each regular Patrolman and Fireman serving by appointment and providing for a ten (10%) per cent increase in basic salary effective January 1, 1944, and advancing to January 1, 1944 the increment of $100.00 to which the Police Sergeants and Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fire Department employed on January 1, 1944 will have been entitled to receive on September 1, 1944.
Local Law 7-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 7 of Local Law No 7 of 1943 by adding such Section the following paragraph: " That the holders of all the positions classified in this Section who are employed on the 1st day of June, 1944 shall be entitled to receive as of June 1st, 1944 the increase in salary which they will have been entitled to receive on September 1, 1944".
Local Law 6-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 3 of Local Law No 5 of 1942, fixing the minimum salary for the position of Lineman at $2280.00 per annum for the duration of World War No 2 and for a period not to exceed six months thereafter.
Local Law 5-1944 Entitled an act to amend in part Section 3 of Local Law No 5 of 1942, by striking therefrom the minimum and maximum salaries together with yearly increments shown under Columns 1, 2 and 3, respectively, for the position of Business Manager of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, and fixing the annual salary of this position to be paid at a rate of $3,500.00 per annum effective May 16, 1944.
Local Law 4-1944 Entitled an act creating the position of Lineman Helper and Stock Clerk in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, prescribing the duties of such position and providing for the classification and compensation thereof.
Local Law 3-1944 Entitled an act to amend in part Section 3 of Local Law No 5 of 1942, by striking therefrom the minimum and maximum salary, together with yearly increments shown under Column 1, 2, and 3 respectively, for the position of Plant Superintendent of the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y., and fixing the annual salary of this position to be paid at the rate of $5,200.00 per annum.
Local Law 2-1944 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No 2 of 1924, Local Law No 1 of 1925, Local Law No 2 of 1925, Local Law No 2 of 1926, Local Law No 2 of 1927, Local Law No 3 of 1927, Local Law No 2 of 1930, Local Law No 1 of 1933, Local Law No 4 of 1939, Local Law No 5 of 1939, Local Law No 7 of 1939, Local Law No 1 of 1942, Local Law No 1 of 1943, and as last amended by Local Law No 5 of 1943, providing for the compensation of City Officers, and in this instance providing for an increase in the salary of the Mayor and the amount of compensation that may be paid to each Alderman in each fiscal year.
Local Law 1-1944 Entitled an act creating the position of Janitor and Garage Attendant in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, prescribing the duties of such position and providing for the classification and compensation thereof.
Local Law 9-1943 Entitled an act creating the position of telephone switchboard operator and clerk in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, prescribing the duties of such position and providing for the classification and compensation thereof.
Local Law 8-1943 Entitled an act to amend Section 26 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 18 of 1942, in this instance providing for the appointment and compensation of a Deputy City Clerk.
Local Law 7-1943 Entitled an act creating specific titles for positions occupied by employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, fixing their compensation and providing for vacations and sick leave.
Local Law 6-1943 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, Local Law No. 3 of 1927, Local Law No. 2 of 1930, Local Law No. 1 of 1933, Local Law No. 4 of 1939, Local Law No. 5 of 1939, Local Law No. 7 of 1939, Local Law No. 1 of 1942, Local Law No. 1 of 1943 providing for compensation of City Officers.
Local Law 5-1943 Entitled an act creating various positions in the Municipal Lighting Department of the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y., prescribing specific titles for employees and defining the duties of their respective positions; providing for classification and compensation plans and by such action fixing the salaries and/or wages of all persons to be employed thereunder also providing for vacations and sick leave.
Local Law 4-1943 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross incomes or gross operating incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York for the purpose of granting, relief from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment as authorized by Section 20-B of the General City Law of the State of New York
Local Law 3-1943 Entitled an act to amend Section 49 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902.
Local Law 2-1943 Entitled and act to amend Local Law No. 1 of 1940, as amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1941, and as so amended to provide for an increase in the salary of the Building Inspector form $1800.00 to $2000.00 per annum.
Local Law 1-1943 Entitled as act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 if the Laws of 1902, as last amended by Local Law No. 1 of 1942, providing for the salary for each Member of the Municipal Civil Service Commission and an increase in the salary of each Member of the Board of Assessors of $100.00 per annum.
Local Law 24-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 3 of 1939, as amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1941, Local Law No. 6 of 1942 and as last amended by Local Law No. 8 of 1942, providing for appointment of Investigators, Municipal Clerks, Account Clerks and Stenographer for the Department of Public Welfare, and fixing the duties and salaries therefor, in this instance providing for an increase in the salary of one Municipal Clerk (male).
Local Law 23-1942 Entitled an act to amend Subdivision 1 of Section 10 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in relation to appointive City officers.
Local Law 22-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 158 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in relation to the sale of lands for unpaid taxes.
Local Law 21-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 157 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, in relation to the proceedings in case of failure to collect tax on warrant.
Local Law 20-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 159 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 in relation to the notice for the sale of lands for taxes.
Local Law 19-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 36 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, Entitled and act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the organization and procedure of Common Council.
Local Law 18-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 26 of Chapter 269, of the Laws of 1902, entitled and Act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the powers and duties of the City Clerk of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 17-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 54, sub-division 1 of Chapter 269, of the Laws of 1902, entitled an act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the term of office of the Superintendent of Public Works in and for the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 16-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 26 of Chapter 269, of the Laws of 1902, entitled an act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the powers and duties of the Deputy City Clerk of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 15-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 10, sub-division 2 of Chapter 269, of the Laws of 1902, entitled an act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the term of office of the appointive officers of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 14-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 27 of Chapter 269, of the Laws of 1902, entitled an act to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in respect to the duties of the Corporation Counsel of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
Local Law 13-1942 Entitled an act to fix the salary of the Health Officer of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, at $1500.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1942.
Local Law 12-1942 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No. 2 of 1930, and Local Law No. 6 of 1941, and by such amendment to provide for an increase in the salary of the City Chamberlain from $1,600.00 per annum to $1,700.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1942.
Local Law 11-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, as amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1925, Local Law No. 3 of 1928, Local Law No. 2 of 1937, and Local Law No. 6 of 1939, in this instance providing only for an increase in the salary of the Deputy City Clerk from $2,000.00 per annum to $2,200.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1942.
Local Law 10-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 141 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as last amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1938, in relation to the designation of Acting City Judge, duties thereof and compensation therefor.
Local Law 9-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1924, as amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1938, in relation to the salaries of certain officers and employees of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, providing for in this instance, an increase in the salary of the City Judge from $1,500.00 per annum to $1,800.00 per annum, effective July 1st, 1942.
Local Law 8-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 3 of 1939, as amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1941, and as last amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1942, providing for the appointment of Investigators, Municipal Clerks, Account Clerks, and Stenographer for the Department of Public Welfare, and fixing the duties and salaries therefor, in this instance providing for an increase in the salaries of three Investigators, two Municipal Clerks and a Stenographer.
Local Law 7-1942 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No. 3 of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the year 1937 as amended by Local Law No. 3 for the year 1938, and Local Law No. 8 for the year 1939, and Local Law No. 5 for the year 1940, and Local Law No. 7 for the year 1941, in relation to continuing the tax on gross incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as authorized by Section 20-b of Chapter 26, of the Laws of 1909, entitled "An act in relation to cities, constituting chapter twenty-one of the consolidated laws", as added by chapter three hundred twenty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-seven and last amended by chapter two hundred ninety-three of the laws of nineteen hundred forty-one, as amended, in relation to judicial review.
Local Law 6-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 5 of 1941, providing for the appointment of Investigators, Municipal Clerks, Account Clerks and Stenographer for the Department of Public Welfare, and fixing the duties and salaries therefor, in this instance providing for an increase in the salaries of two Investigators, two Municipal Clerks and a Stenographer.
Local Law 5-1942 Lighting Department Personnel (Omitted)
Local Law 4-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 3 of 1927, Local Law No. 2 of 1933, Local Law No. 4 of 1939, Local Law No. 5 of 1939, and Local Law No. 7 of 1939, providing in this instance for the fixing of salaries of the members of the Police Department and the Fire Department.
Local Law 3-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 1 of Local Law No. 1 of 1933, as amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1937, and Local Law No. 7 of 1939, providing for an increase in the salary of the Commissioner of Public Welfare from Two Thousand Dollars per annum to Twenty-three Hundred Dollars per annum, effective, January 1st, 1942.
Local Law 2-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, Local Law No. 3 of 1927, Local Law No. 2 of 1930, Local Law No. 1 of 1933, Local Law No. 4 of 1939, Local Law No. 5 of 1939, and Local Law No. 7 of 1939, providing in this instance for the fixing of the salary of the Superintendent of Public Works.
Local Law 1-1942 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, Local Law No. 3 of 1927, Local Law No. 2 of 1930, Local Law 1 of 1933, Local Law No. 4 of 1939, Local Law No. 5 of 1939, and Local Law No. 7 of 1939, providing in this instance for the fixing of salaries of the City Clerk, the Corporation Counsel and the Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Local Law 7-1941 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No. 3 of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the year 1937 as amended by Local Law No. 3 for the year 1938, and Local Law No. 8 for the year 1939 and Local Law No. 5 for the year 1940 in relation to continuing the tax on gross incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by SECTION 20-B of the General City Law of the State of New York, and in relation to judicial review.
Local Law 6-1941 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No. 2 of 1930 and by such amendment to provide for an increase in the salary for the City Chamberlain from $1,500 per annum to $1,600 per annum.
Local Law 5-1941 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 3 of 1939, providing for the appointment of investigators, municipal clerks, account clerks and stenographer for the Department of Public Welfare and fixing the duties and salaries therefor - in this instance providing for an increase in the salary of the stenographer, one investigator, account clerk and one municipal clerk.
Local Law 4-1941 Entitled an act to amend Local Law No.1 of 1940 by providing for an increase in the salary of the Building Inspector from $1,500.00 per annum tp $1,800.00 per annum.
Local Law 3-1941 Entitled an act to amend Section 152 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 583 of the Laws of 1915, and last amended by Local Law No. 3 of 1932, in relation to Notice of Receiving Taxes.
Local Law 2-1941 Entitled an act to amend Section 158 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as last amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1932, providing for the sale of land for unpaid taxes.
Local Law 1-1941 Entitled and act to amend Section 157 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, as last amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1932, providing for proceedings in case of failure to collect tax on warrant.
Local Law 5-1940 Entitled an act to amend local law No. 3 of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the year 1937 as amended by local law No. 3 for the year 1938, and local law No. 8 for the year 1939 in relation to continuing the tax on gross incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by SECTION 20-B of the General City Law of the State of New York, and in relation to judicial review.
Local Law 4-1940 Entitled an act to provide for milk inspector. Position to be created under and by open competitive civil service regulations and prescribing duties and compensation therefor.
Local Law 3-1940 Entitled an act to abolish the office of City Poor Physician as created by Local Law No. 5 of 1925 and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and conferring upon the commissioner of public welfare authority to employ competent physicians to care for indigent persons outside of hospitals and for such care and medical service the sum to be expended shall not exceed $1,200.00 in any one year, also the sum of $2,000.00 in any one year for physicians and surgeons services to indigent persons while confined in hospitals.
Local Law 2-1940 Entitled an act to amend Section 150, paragraph 3 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for the collection of taxes under two separate warrants, as amended by Local Law No. 1 of 1932 and Local Law No 3 of 1935.
Local Law 1-1940 Entitled an act creating the position of Building Inspector under and by open competitive civil service examination, fixing the salary therefor, and providing for the duties of the office thereof.
Local Law 8-1939 Entitled a law to amend Local Law No. 3 of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the year 937, in relation to continuing the tax on gross incomes of corporations and persons, furnishing utility service in the City of Plattsburgh, for the purpose of granting relief from hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section 20-B of the General Law of the State of New York, and in relation to judicial review.
Local Law 7-1939 Entitled an act to amend Section 1 of Local Law 1 of 1933, as amended by Local Law No. 6 of 1937, providing for an increase in the salary of the Commissioner of Public Welfare from $1800.00 per annum to $2000.00 per annum, effective February 1st, 1939.
Local Law 6-1939 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1928, as amended by Local Law No 2 of 1937, providing for an increase in the salary of the Deputy City Clerk from $1800.00 per annum to $2,000.00 per annum.
Local Law 5-1939 Entitled an act to amend in part Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1928, as amended by Local Law No. 5 of 1937, providing for an increase in the salary of the Superintendent of Public Works from $2800.00 per annum to $3000.00 per annum, effective February 1st, 1939.
Local Law 4-1939 Entitled an act to amend Section 1 of Local Law No. 3 of 1928 as amended by Local Law No. 4 of 1937, providing for an increase in the salary of the City Clerk from $2800.00 per annum to $3000.00 per annum, effective February 1st, 1939.
Local Law 3-1939 A local law providing for the appointment of investigators, municipal clerks, account clerk and stenographer for he Department of Public Welfare and fixing duties and salaries therefor.
Local Law 2-1939 A local law amending Local Law No. 2 of 1925, entitled "An act to supersede Section 72 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, in relation to appointment and salaries of the officers and members of the Fire Department", as amended by Local Law No 1 of 1927.
Local Law 1-1939 Entitled an act to provide for Milk Inspector. Position to be created under and by open competitive civil service regulations and prescribing duties and compensation therefor.
Local Law 5-1938, Entitled an act to amend Section 141 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York,in relation to the appointment of an Acting City Judge, Duties and Compensation therefor.
Local Law 4-1938, Entitled an act to amend Section I of Local Law No 2 of 1924, in relation to the salaries of certain officers and employees of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for in this instance, an increase in the salary of the City Judge from $1200.00 per annum to $1500.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1939.
Local Law 3-1938 Entitled a local law to amend Local Law No. 3 of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the year 1937, in relation to continuing of tax on gross incomes or gross operating incomes of corporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from hardships and suffering caused by unemployment, as authorized by Section 20-B of the General City Law of the State of New York, in relation to the definition of gross income and gross operating income and the time of filing returns of the tax imposed by said local law.
Local Law 2-1938 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, entitled "An act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York", as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924; Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 4 of 1925, Local Law No. 5 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, and Local Law No. 3 of 1934, and as herein amended, to provide additional compensation for special or extra services to be rendered or performed by the Corporation Counsel.
Local Law 1-1938 Entitled an act to rescind Local Law No. 1 of 1937, which local law provided that in the repealing of Local Law No. 3 of 1933 that the repealing act, namely, Local Law No. 1 of 1937, shall not affect any person who is now engaged as an employee of the City of Plattsburgh on half-time basis and receiving for such service one-half the amount of compensation which said employee had received when in the employ of the City on a full-time basis.
Local Law 6-1937 Entitled an act to amend Section I of Local Law No I of 1933, in this instance to provide for an increase in the salary of the Commissioner of Public Welfare from $1600.00 per annum to $18.00 per annum, effective January 1, 1938.
Local Law 5-1937 Entitled an act to amend in part Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1928, providing for an increase in the salary of the Superintendent of Public Works from $2500.00 to $2800.00 per annum, effective January 1, 1938.
Local Law 4-1937 Entitled an act to amend Section 1 of Local Law No. 3 of 1928, providing for an increase in the salary of the City Clerk from $2400.00 per annum to $2800.00 per annum, effective January 1, 1938.
Local Law 3-1937 Entitled an act to impose a tax on the gross incomes or gross operating incomes of incorporations and persons furnishing utility services in the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for the purpose of granting relief from the hardships and suffering caused by umemployment, as authorized by Section Twenty-B of the General City Law of the State of New York.
Local Law 2-1937 Entitled an act to amend Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1928, providing for an increase in salary of the Deputy City Clerk from $1600.00 to $1800.00 per annum.
Local Law 1-1937 Entitled an act to provide for the repealing of Local Law No. 3 of 1933, whereby the repeal thereof shall not affect any person who is now engaged as an employee of the City of Plattsburgh on one-half time basis and receiving from said City one-half the amount of compensation which said employee received when in the employ of the City on a full time basis.
Local Law 1-1936 A local law to authorize the construction of an electric power plant and an electric transmission and distribution system together with the necessary facilities for furnishing electric energy to the City of Plattsburgh and for compensation to the inhabitants of said City; to fix the proposed method of contructing such project; to fix both the maximum and estimated costs; to fix the plan of financing such project; to fix the method of furnishing such utility service; to fix the form of proposition to be submitted to the qualified electors; and for incidental purposes.
Local Law 1-1935 Entitled, a local law in relation to the establishing of a fund in the Office of the City Chamberlain to be known as a Law Enforcement Revolving Fund, from which withdrawals may be made by the Chief of Police or Acting Chief of Police of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, for Law Enforcement work as hereinafter provided.
Local Law 3-1934 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, entitled "An act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, New York", as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 4 of 1925, Local Law No. 5 of 1925, and Local Law No. 2 of 1927, and as amended herein to provide for an increase in the salary of the Corporation Counsel and the creation of the position of Chairman of the Local Board of Assessors with a salary therefor in the amount of $300.00 per annum.
Local Law 2-1934 An act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, Entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh N.Y.", as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1924, Local Law No. 4 of 1925, Local Law No. 5 of 1925, and Local Law No. 3 of 1928, in relation to salaries of certain City officers and employees, in this instance providing for the reduction of salary of the Health Officer from $1500.00 to $1200.00 per annum.
Local Law 1-1934 Entitled an act to amend Sub-division B of Section 2 of Local Law No. 2 of 1933, providing for an increase of the salary of the City Poor Doctor from $800.00 to $1200.00 per annum.
Local Law 6A-1933 Entitled an act to amend Section 159 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for the reduction of the number of weeks that the City Chamberlain is required to advertise notice for the sale of land for taxes.
Local Law 6-1933 Entitled an act to provide for the appointment of a Plumbing Inspector, the fixing of the term of office and the salary therefor and the placing of the position in the Unclassified Service of the Municipal Civil Service of the City of Plattsburgh, New York.
There is no Local Law 5-1933
Local Law 4-1933 Entitled an act to amend Section 152 of the City Charter of Plattsburgh, N.Y., being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 583 of the Laws of 1915 and as last amended by Local Law No. 3 of 1932, in relation to Notice of Receiving Taxes.
Local Law 3-1933 Entitled an act to provide that an employee of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, having served in the Competitive Class of the Municipal Civil Service of said City for an uninterrupted period of thirty years may, upon proper application made therefor to the Mayor and Common Council and in their discretion, continue as an employee on a half time basis and receive from the City one-half the amount of compensation which such employee had received when in the employ of the City on a full time basis.
Local Law 2-1933 Entitled an act to amend Sub-division B of Section 2 of Local Law No. 5 of 1925, and Local Law No. 2 of 1931, providing for increase of the salary of the city poor doctor from $600.00 to $800.00 per annum.
Local Law 1-1933 Entitled an act to amend Section 11 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, Local Law No. 3 of 1927 and Local Law No. 2 of 1930, providing in this instance for the fixing of the salary of the Commissioner of Public Welfare.
Local Law 10-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 121 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for monthly and yearly reports to be rendered by the commissioner of public welfare.
Local Law 9-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 120 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, prescribing powers and duties of the commissioner of public welfare.
Local Law 8-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 10 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh,New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912 and the Local Laws mentioned herein, providing for appointive city officers, by whom appointed and their term of office.
Local Law 7-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 8 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 449 of the Laws of 1903, providing for Eligibility to City Offices.
Local Law 6-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 158 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912, providing for the sale of lands for unpaid taxes.
Local Law 5-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 157 of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, New York, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York as amended by Chapter 449 of the Laws of 1903 and Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912, providing for Proceedings in case of failure to collect tax on warrant.
Local Law 4-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 153 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y., being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for the issuance of tax receipts.
Local Law 3-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 152 of the City Charter of Plattsburgh, N.Y., being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 583 of the Laws of 1915 and as last amended by Local Law No. 1 of 1931, in relation to Notice of Receiving Taxes.
Local Law 2-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 151 of the City Charter of he City of Plattsburgh, N.Y., being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, specifying the time for the delivery of the assessment roll with taxes apportioned and extended thereon, to the Chamberlain for collection.
Local Law 1-1932 Entitled an act to amend Section 150, Par. (3) of the City Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y., being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for the collection of taxes under two separate warrants.
Local Law 3-1931 Entitled an act to Amend and Supersede Section 31 of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y.," as last amended by Chapter 428 of the Laws of 1912.
Local Law 2-1931 Entitled an act providing for the payment of the salary of the City Poor Doctor from the General Fund.
Local Law 1-1931 Entitled "An act to change Section 152 of the City Charter of Plattsburgh, being part of Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902 of the State of New York, providing for the change of percentage charge on delinquent taxes from two (2) to one (1) per centum.
Local Law 2-1930 Amending Local Law No. 2 of 1924, Local Law No. 1 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1925, Local Law No. 2 of 1926, Local Law No. 2 of 1927, Local Law No. 3 of 1927 and superseding certain provisions of said law and provisions inconsistent herewith of Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh as numbered by legislative act of laws of 1902 to with:-
Local Law 1-1930 An act to amend and supersede the time and method of taking effect of ordinances on regulatory resolutions of the Common Council.
Local Law 1-1929 A local law to simplify and define the terms of office and salaries and appointive powers of persons and officers doing the health and sanitary work of the City of Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Local Law 2-1928 An act to amend Section 11, Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, enacted to incorporate the City of Plattsburgh as amended by Local Law No. 2 of 1924 and as amened by Local Law No. 1 of 1925 and Local Law No. 4 of 1925 in relation to salaries of certain city officers and employees.
Local Law 1-1928 A local law to amend the charter of the City of Plattsburgh by conferring power upon the common council to prohibit, permit or regulate the use of public highways and places for the storage and distribution of gasoline, oils and other motor fuel.
Local Law 3-1927 creating the office of Police Sergeant, fixing the salary and prescribing the duties of such office.
Local Law 2-1927 Amending Local Law No. 4 of 1925 entitled "A Local Law Amending Local Law No. 1 of 1925, entitled 'An Act to Supersede Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh and Local Law No. 2 (1924) in relation to the Salaries of certain City Officers and Employees'".
Local Law 1-1927 Amending Local Law No. 2 of 1925, entitled "An Act to Supersede Section 72 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, in relation to Appointment and Salary of the Officers and Members of the Fire Department.
Local Law 2-1926 A Local Law superseding Section 80 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, providing for the appointment and salary of the members of the Police Force.
Local Law 1-1926 A local law in relation to powers of the Common Council to increase the compensation of officers and employees and of any office or position of the City.
Local Law 5-1925 Providing for the appointment, duties, salaries and terms of office of the Health Officer and Poor Doctor.
Local Law 4-1925 A local law amending Local Law No. 1 of 1925, entitled "An act to supersede Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh and Local Law No. 2 of 1924 in relation to salaries of certain City officers and employees.
Local Law 3-1925 (Proposed as LL 5-1925) An act to supersede Section 26 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, in relation to general powers and duties of the City Clerk and the salary of the Deputy City Clerk.
Local Law 2-1925 (Proposed as LL 4-1925) An act to supersede Section 72 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh, in relation to appointment and salary of the officers and members of the Fire Department.
Local Law 1-1925 (Proposed as LL 3-1925) An act to supersede Section 11 of the Charter of the City and Local Law No. 2 of Plattsburgh in relation to salaries of certain City officers and employees.
Local Law 2-1924 An act to amend Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Plattsburgh in relation to salaries of certain City officers and employees.
Local Law 1-1924 An act in relation to public hearings before the Mayor on local laws.
Laws of 1902 Chapter 269 Effective 3/29/1902